What is going on? Over the past six months of listening to church leaders we’ve been asking questions like: What’s the mood among leaders just now? What do they need? How can we assist them? We’re learning some things in this unraveling of our time: We can’t assume we know where leaders are at and … Read More
Month: September 2020
Discipleship in our Moment: Connection
We’re feeling increasingly disconnected from one another as once normal ways of connecting are taken away from us. This struck me most clearly, as a profound introvert, when my wife Jane and I visited the Okanagan wine region of British Columbia several weeks ago. I know I should have known this but there was hardly … Read More
Discipleship in our Moment: Grief and Hope
One of the questions shaping this moment is about discipleship. What does it look like in a time of multiple crises? Over the coming months we want to talk together about this question in the Missional Commons. We’ll be doing this through a series of webinars, Facebook Live events and Intensives. Over this Labour Day … Read More